Biology 680 – Advanced Topics in Evolution
Evolution of Major Groups of Vertebrates – Basal Synapsida (Pelycosauria)

Dr. Stuart S. Sumida

Winter 2009

Thursday 4:00-5:50; CS-222




Dr. Sumida will present introductory materials during the weeks 1-2 sessions.  Subsequent sessions will be the responsibility of one or more students (depending on enrollment).  Refer to the schedule below for topics, activities, and reading assignments.  Sessions designated with an asterisk (*) indicate laboratory material quiz days







Introduction; Distribution of Class Assignments



Phylogenetic Perspective; Basal Amniote Structure and the Sister-Groups of Pelycosauria (Sumida)



Caseosauria – Eothyrididae (English)



Dr. Sumida away at meetings. No class meeting.



Caseosauria – Caseidae (Lujan)



Eupleycosauria – Varanopideae (Pelletier)



Eupleycosauria – Ophiacodontidae



Eupleycosauria – Edaphosauridae



Eupleycosauria – SphenacodontoideaHaptodus, Sphenacodon, Ctenorhachis



Eupleycosauria – SphenacodontoideaCtenospondylus, Dimetrodon, Secodontosaurus



Final Examination; 4:00; 50 points.




All Students/All Weeks:

All students will be expected to read the literature listed below.  Each student assigned to that week’s material will be responsible for (1) acquiring the primary literature from Dr. Sumida (I have most, but not all of it.), or from the library, or securing it from interlibrary loan; (2) tuning those papers into PDF files; (3) sending copied of those PDF files to the remainder of the class; presenting a powerpoint summary of the materials for class review and discussion.


Primary Literature:

These papers are listed in the order of suggested reading – not necessarily chronological or alphabetical order.


Week 1:  None


Week 2:  None


Week 3 (Caseosauria - Eothyrididae):


Week 3 (Caseosauria - Eothyrididae):


Romer, A.S.  1937.  New genera and species of pelycosaurian reptiles. New England Zoological Club Papers, 16:89-96.  [PDF]


Romer, A.S. and L. I. Price.  1940.  Review of the Pelycosauria.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of America Special Papers, 28: 1-538.  (pp. 248-251)  [PDF]


Langson, W.  1965.  Oedaleops campi (Reptilia: Pelycosauria) A new genus and species from the Lower Permian of New Mexico, and the family Eothyrididae.  Bulletin of Texas Memorial Museum, 9:1-47.  [PDF]


Reisz, R. R.  1986.  Pelycosauria.  Handbüch der Paleoherpetology (Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology), 17A:1-102.  (pp. + appropriate figures at back)  [PDF]


Week 4:  None


Week 5 (Caseosauria – Caseidae):


Olson, E.C.  1954.  Fauna of the Vale and Choza. 7. Pelycosauria: family Caseidae. Fieldiana, Geology, 10:193-204.  [PDF]


Olson, E. C., and J. R. Beerbower.  1962.  Permian vertebrates Oklahoma and Texas, and its vertebrates.  Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular, 59:1-68 (particularly pp. 21-48)  [PDF]


Olson, E.C.  1962.  Late Permian Terrestrial Vertebrates, U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 52:1-196.  (pp. 28-47, 200-206)  [PDF]


Reisz, R. R.  2005.  Oromycter, a new caseid from the Lower Permian of Oklahoma.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 25:905-910.  [PDF]


Maddin, H. C., C.A. Sidor, and R. R. Reisz.  2008.  Cranial anatomy of Ennatosaurus tecton (Synapsida: Caseidae) and the evolutionary relationships of Caeseidae.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28:160-180.  [PDF]


Stovall, J. W., L. I Price, and A. S. Romer.  1966.  The postcranial skeleton of the giant Permian pelyosaur Cotylorhynchus romeri.  Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 135:1-30.  [PDF]


Week 6 (Eupleycosauria – Varanopideae):


Olson, E.C.  1965.  New vertebrates from the Chickasha Formation in Oklahoma.  Oklahoma Geological Circular, 70:5-70.  [PDF]


Langston, W., and R. R. Reisz.  1981.  Aerosaurus wellesi, new species, a varanopseid mammal-like reptile (Synapsida: Pelycosauria) from the Lower Permian of New Mexico.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1:73-96.  [PDF]


Reisz, R. R., and D. S Berman.  2001.  The skull of Mesenosaurus romeri, a small varanopseid (Synapsida: Eupelycosauria) from the Upper Permian of the Mezen River Basin, northern Russia.  Annals of Carnegie Museum, 70:113-132.  [PDF]


Reisz, R. R., and D. W. Dilkes.  2003.  Archaeovenator hamiltonensis, a new varanopid (Synapsida: Eupelycosauria) from the Upper Carboniferous of Kansas.  Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 40:667-678.  [PDF]


Reisz, R. R., and M. Laurin.  2004.  A reevauation of the enigmatic Permian synapsid Watongia and its stratigraphi significance.  Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 41:377-386.  [PDF]


Anderson, J. S., and R. R. Reisz.  2004.  Pyzoia mesenensis, a new, small varanopseid (Synapsida: Eupelycosauria) from Russia: “Pelycosaur” diversity in the Middle Permian.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 24:173-179.  [PDF]


Maddin, H. C., D.C. Evans, and R. R. Reisz.  2006.  A n Early Permian varanodontine varanopid (Synapsida: Eupelycosauria) from the Richard’s Spur locality, Oklahoma.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28:160-180.  [PDF]


Week 7 (Eupleycosauria – Ophiacodontidae):


Romer, A.S. and L. I. Price.  1940.  Review of the Pelycosauria.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of America Special Papers, 28: 1-538.  (pp. 196-246 + appropriate figures in back)  [PDF]


Berman, D. S, R. R. Reisz, J. R. Bolt, and D. Scott.  1995.  The cranial anatomy and relationships of the synapsid Varanosaurus (Eupleycosauria: Ophiacodontidae) from the Early Permian of Texas and Oklahoma.  Annals of Carnegie Museum, 64:100-133.  [PDF]


Sumida, S. S. 1989. Reinterpretation of vertebral structure in the Early Permian pelycosaur Varanosaurus acutirostris (Amniota, Synapsida). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 9:451-158. [PDF]


Week 8 (Eupleycosauria – Edaphosauridae):


Romer, A.S. and L. I. Price.  1940.  Review of the Pelycosauria.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of America Special Papers, 28: 1-538.  (pp. 366-408 + appropiriate figures in back)  [PDF]


Sumida, S. S. 1989. New information on the pectoral girdle and vertebral column in Lupeosaurus (Reptilia, Pelycosauria). Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 26:1343-1349. [PDF]


Reisz, R. R. and D. S Berman. 1986.  Ianthasaurus hardestii n. sp., a primitive edaphosaur (Reptilia, Pelycosauria) from the Upper Pennsylvanian Rock Lake Shale near Garnett, Kansas". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 23:77-91.  [PDF]


Modesto, S.P.  1995.  The skull of the herbivorous synapsid Edaphosaurus boanerges from the Lower Permian of Texas.  Palaeontology, 38:213-239.  [PDF]


Modesto, S.P. and R.R. Reisz. (1990). Taxonomic status of Edaphosaurus raymondi Case. Journal of Paleontology, 64:1049-1057.  [PDF]


Modesto, S.P. and R.R. Reisz. (1990). A new skeleton of Ianthasaurus hardestii (Synapsida: Pelycosauria) from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Kansas. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 27:834-844.  [PDF]


Week 9 (Eupleycosauria – Sphenacodontoidea – Haptodus, Sphenacodon, Ctenorhachis)


Romer, A.S. and L. I. Price.  1940.  Review of the Pelycosauria.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of America Special Papers, 28: 1-538.  (pp. 283-329 + appropriate figures in back)  [PDF]


Laurin, M.  1993.  Anatomy and relationships of Haptodus garnettensis, a Pennsylvanian synapsid from Kansas.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 13:200-229.  [PDF]


Eberth, D. A.  1985.  The skull of Spenacodon ferocior, and comparisons with other sphenacodontines.  New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Circular, 190:1-39. [PDF]


Hook, R. W., and N. Hotton.  1991. A new sphenacodontid pelycosaur (Synapsida) from the Wichita Group, Lower Permian of north-central Texas.  Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 11::37-44.  [PDF]


Week 10 (Eupleycosauria – Sphenacodontoidea – Ctenospondylus, , Dimetrodon, Secodontosaurus):



Eberth, D. A.  1985.  The skull of Spenacodon ferocior, and comparisons with other sphenacodontines.  New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Circular, 190:1-39.  [PDF]


Berman, D. S. 1978, Ctenospondylus ninevehensis, a new species (Reptilia, Pelycosauria) from the Early Permian Dunkard Group of Ohio. Annals of Carnegie Museum, 47:493-514.  [PDF]


Romer, A.S. and L. I. Price.  1940.  Review of the Pelycosauria.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of America Special Papers, 28: 1-538.  (pp. 329-366 + appropriate figures in back)  [PDF]


Reisz, R. R., D. S Berman, and D. Scott.  1992.  The cranial anatomy and relationships of Secodontosaurus, an unusual mammal-like reptile (Synapsida: Sphenacodontidae) from the early Permian of Texas.  Zoological Society of the Linnean Society, 104:127-184.  [PDF]


Berman D.S, R. R. Reisz, T. Martens, and A. C. Henrici. 2001.  A new species of Dimetrodon (Synapsida: Sphenacodontidae) from the Lower Permian of Germany records first occurrence of genus outside of North America.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 38:803-812.  [PDF]


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